
Google grabs more users

Search engine Google’s Web site maintains the highest amount of global usage of seven of the largest search engines on the Web, according to, a provider of Web analytics.

Google’s global usage share increased to 56.4 percent in the last two months, while usage of Yahoo!, the second most used search engine on the Web, was at 21 percent.

In the last two months, MSN had 9.2 percent of search engine users, AOL had 3.8 percent, Terra Lycos had 2 percent and Altavista and AskJeeves each had 1.7 percent of users.

The research is based on a sample of 2 million visitors divided into 20,000 visitors of 100 countries each day. Global usage share means the percentage of Internet users who arrived at a site in which records analytics via the specified search engine.


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