
Mortgage holders have higher credit scores

A study released today by Experian Consumer Direct has found that consumers with at least one open mortgage have higher credit scores than those who don’t.

The average Experian PLUS Score for consumers with at least one mortgage is 716, compared to 667 for consumers who don’t have a mortgage.

The study also found the average mortgage amount is about $136,000 for U.S. consumers. Only 10 percent of consumer mortgages exceed $250,000.

It also determined that the average number of credit inquiries for home loans is highest during July.

The study was compiled using the Experian National Score Index, which is based on a nationwide sampling of three million consumer profiles. The index is put together using Experian’s consumer credit score model, called the PLUS Score, which is a numeric representation of financial behavior based on information found in a credit report. The score can range from 330 to 830, with a higher score indicating a lower risk.

Experian Consumer Direct is a business unit of Experian, a global information solutions company.


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