
Meet ‘gadget freak’ Andy Beal

Andy Beal, VP of Search Marketing, Websourced Inc.’s division, will speak at Real Estate Connect, presented in San Francisco July 28-30.

Panel at Connect: SPECIAL – The Online Lead Marketplace

1. Which daily newspaper do you read and which section of the newspaper do you read first?

The Raleigh News & Observer and The Wall Street Journal. I enjoy the technology sections, especially any articles on the Internet.

2. What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever packed in a suitcase?

My life’s contents, when I moved to the U.S. from England four years ago.

3. What kind of music do you listen to?

Just about everything–Contemporary Christian, dance, opera, R&B.

4. What style of home do you live in and when did you buy it?

Single-family, Georgian-style home. Moved there in September 2000. Compared to English standards, it’s a mansion!

5. Where did you spend your last vacation?

Hawaii’s Big Island. My wife and I have fallen in love with Hawaii. This is our third trip in 12 months.

6. What personal accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

Finding God, finding the wife of my dreams, finding my dream job–all within a 12-month period (1999-2000)

7. How many e-mail addresses do you have?

Lots. I have to close down some every six months, due to spam. The last e-mail account I closed was receiving 500 spam e-mails a day.

8. What worries keep you awake at night?

Not knowing if I am making the most of my life.

9. What is your favorite technology device or software application?

Now we are talking! I love my Pocket PC, my ultra-portable laptop and my biometric security scanner. I’ll stop there; I’m a gadget freak.

10. What was the best gift you ever received from or gave to someone else?

My wedding vows.

11. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl

12. What is your worst vice or bad habit?

Starting a hobby with lots of commitment, but getting bored too soon.


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