
James Harrison dives into real estate innovation

James Harrison, CEO of North Texas Real Estate Information Systems Inc., will speak at Real Estate Connect, presented July 28-30 in San Francisco.

Panel at Connect: MLS/Data Track – Breakout 2: Integrated Transaction Management Systems

What are your current or childhood nicknames?

Jimbo was my childhood nickname–sometimes I still here it from current friends.

Which daily newspaper do you read and which section of the newspaper do you read first?

I scan the business section in the morning over coffee before I leave the house. On my Blackberry I read electronic news feeds from WSJ Online and Washington Post as I commute to the office. I go first to Inman and Realty Times at the office, both of which I check periodically throughout the day for updates. At lunch, if I have time, I scan the rest of the Dallas Morning News online–front page, business, Texas Living. If I have time I pick up my Wall Street Journal from the lobby, but I usually don’t read it until I get home at night. It sounds like a lot, but it’s very efficient–I only read what I am interested in and most of it is digested before I get it.

What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever packed in a suitcase?

A few things come to mind, neither of which I think are wise to put in print.

What kind of music do you listen to?

’70s rock and today’s alternative music

What style of home do you live in and when did you buy it?

Colonial, purchased in 2000

Where did you spend your last vacation?

Red River, N.M.

What professional accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

The job I presently have is one I have been working towards for most of my career, and though it is highly political and technically complicated, I find it a great release for innovation and the opportunity to make a difference in a wonderfully progressive marketplace. I enjoy it a great deal.

What personal accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

Watching my children walk in the Lord’s path gives me the greatest pleasure.

How many e-mail addresses do you have?

Four: A Yahoo! account when I don’t want to be obvious; an Earthlink account for personal correspondence; and two current business accounts.

What worries keep you awake at night?

College tuition for my three children–their mother has them all convinced to go to grad school and even into a profession requiring extended learning.

What lesson did you learn in the last year?

When implementing products for the real estate profession we must ensure that practitioners are constantly involved in every step of the way. Additionally, we must ensure that we listen to individuals who fully understand and practice the business so we remain focused on today’s and tomorrow’s innovators, achievers and super users; and have the tools available for them as they become ready to make application of new and progressive initiatives.

What is your favorite technology device or software application?

My new color Blackberry. A close second, however, is the 007 digital camera designed as a cigarette lighter, which Clareity gave me for speaking at its recent conference.

What is your opinion of Inman News?

I can count on Inman News to be on top of every real estate newsworthy issue. Even when I don’t agree to a point of view, I appreciate the insight Inman provides since most issues that occur around the country either could or are occurring in our marketplace, and I need to be aware and informed and ready to process the news and transfer its application to our world at NTREIS.

What was the best gift you ever received from or gave to someone else?

Given: I just gave my dad a recliner. I love recliners, but they are not allowed in my house.

Received:  We were given an afghan as a house-warming gift 25 years ago and it is still on our bed in perfect shape.

What was your top New Year’s resolution and have you kept it so far?

That I would get back into shape…and no I haven’t.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Night owl, definitely

What is your worst vice or bad habit?

Staying up very late for no apparent good reason


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