
AppIntell expands mortgage fraud courses

Mortgage technology provider AppIntell on Wednesday added two new advanced courses to its online training curriculum, one focused on identity misrepresentation and the other covering the latest features of DISSCO, AppIntell’s mortgage fraud detection system.

The Identity Misrepresentation Training course teaches experienced AppIntell system users how to interpret borrower identity alerts and issues. This course will explain the differences between fraud types and provide an overview of identity misrepresentation and how it is detected.

Current DISSCO users accessing the New Feature Training Volume 1 online course will learn more about the newest features added to DISSCO since January 2004, increase their proficiency level with the functionality of these features, and refresh their knowledge of the system. With regular quarterly updates, this course aims to be a convenient means of providing ongoing training for all users.

“Our primary training objective is to help our customers become experts at using our technology to detect and stop the fraud that is hidden in mortgage loans,” said Stephen Gott, president and CEO of AppIntell. “The smarter and better equipped our customers are, the more successful they will be at putting the fraudsters out of business. That is our ultimate goal,” he said.

AppIntell is currently developing additional course modules to be incorporated into its user certification program scheduled for launch later this summer. The courses will apply toward this new certification program.

AppIntell provides data integrity, fraud prevention, risk assessment and mitigation tools for the residential lending industry.


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