
Realtor gets spotlight at GOP convention

A Realtor in Dubuque, Iowa, and her husband, a salesman who was on active military duty in the Middle East last year, were featured during the Republican National Convention this week as examples of tax-cut beneficiaries.

Lorie Foley, a Realtor with American Realty-GMAC Real Estate in Dubuque, Iowa, and her husband, Greg, a salesman for Crescent Electric who spent six months in Egypt on a peace-time mission last year, were one of three Midwest couples who were featured for the benefits they have realized through federal tax-relief measures.

The Foleys, who saved $2,200 on their taxes this year, “plan to use their tax savings to do some home improvements,” according to an announcement by the 2004 Republican National Convention committee. They benefit from an increased “child tax credit, marriage penalty relief, and the new 10 percent tax bracket. If Congress fails to make the tax relief permanent, their taxes will go up $1,000 in 2005,” the announcement states.

Foley, a member of the Dubuque Board of Realtors, works in an office with about 30 Realtors. Don’t tell Republican convention organizers: Her office is situated on John F. Kennedy Road in Dubuque.

Christine and Mark Seeley, a couple from Prairie du Chien, Wis., and Audra and Brian van Haren of Grand Rapids, Mich., were also featured during the convention as beneficiaries of tax-relief programs. Christine and Audra are stay-at-home moms, while Mark is an athletic trainer and Brian is a plumber who formerly served in the Navy aboard the Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier.


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