- The National Housing Conference will sponsor a brown bag luncheon titled “Housing and Health: The Vital Link” on Oct. 1, from noon to 2 p.m., in Washington, D.C. The event will explore the relationship between housing and health, and how both issues impact each other and the well being of families and communities.
- The National Association of Home Builders’ Housing Credit Group will hold “Countdown to Year 15,” an issues forum, Sept. 29, in Columbus, Ohio. The event will explore options for LIHTC (low-income housing tax credit) properties after the 15-year IRS compliance mandate expires.
- The Consumer Bankers Association’s Fair Lending Conference will take place Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, in Arlington, Va. The conference will explore changing trends in fair lending in exam procedures from banker and regulator perspectives.
- The 11th annual Affordable Housing conference is slated for Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, in San Francisco. The event is geared toward developers, lenders, sponsors, accountants, appraisers, attorneys and agency officials.
- The International Association of Privacy Professionals will hold the Privacy and National Security Forum Sept. 30, in Washington, D.C. The event will offer a deep look into the privacy issues raised by current national security efforts. Experts will discuss how the private sector can respond to the business opportunities and privacy challenges facing national security.
Send tips or a Letter to the Editor to jessica@sandbox.inman.com or call (510) 658-9252, ext. 133.