Hansen Quality, a division of Fidelity National Financial, has launched Insight, a Web-based screening tool to identify hidden collateral risks at the loan origination level and in secondary market transactions.
The tool combines Fidelity’s data and analytics to assess risk based on factors such as REO activity, recent number of flips and high property turnover volumes in an area. The electronic reports include a summary, as well as a range of raw data for further analysis. The detailed data outline a 10-year transaction history of the property in question, 15 comparable neighborhood sales, along with a cluster of properties located within close proximity, regardless of sales price.
The combination of information is used to determine risk based on property type, ownership and values surrounding the property. The risk assessment translates into a rating that indicates the likelihood the property is viable collateral for a loan. Each rating is accompanied by a recommendation for further due diligence if necessary.
“With fraudulent activity on the increase, detecting suspicious activity surrounding a subject property is becoming increasingly important,” said Bruce Brown, SVP of Hansen Quality.
Reports range from $2 to $7 each.
Fidelity National Financial provides products and outsourced services and solutions to financial institutions and the real estate industry.
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