BeHomeWise and TOM Systems have partnered to create a software package for home builders that enables them to track the entire workflow of a home purchase – from prospective buyer ranking and management to warranty delivery.
“Our collaboration with TOM Systems gives builders a ‘one-stop shop’ for all of their back-office processes, as well as their sales and marketing operations,” said Robb Cohen, president and CEO of BeHomeWise.
The BeHomeWise system helps builders convert Internet leads into sales and provides tools for accounting, estimating, purchasing, warranty management, production, scheduling and sales contract writing.
BeHomeWise offers a system for business intelligence and Internet lead management for home builders. The BeHomeWise software system, B-Wise, integrates leads from all of a builder’s various marketing channels (including walk-ins, search engines, portals, Web traffic and Realtor referrals) and automatically prioritizes these based on who is most likely to buy.
TOM Systems offers builders and contractors a full menu of software tools for accounting, estimating, purchasing, warranty management, production, scheduling and sales contract writing.
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