
HUD to examine restraints on affordable housing

The Department of Housing and Urban Development will release a report Monday, examining the impact of excessive regulations on the availability of affordable housing.

The report, “Why Not in Our Community?” is the first substantive update of a previous HUD study titled, “Not in My Backyard,” published in 1991. Deputy Secretary Roy A. Bernardi and a collection of housing experts will discuss the report’s findings on how to help millions of working families who struggle to find a home they can afford.

The agency will release the report and hold a news conference at 11 a.m. at HUD headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Also speaking at the event are A. Bryant Applegate, HUD senior counsel; Dennis Shea, HUD assistant secretary for Policy Development and Research; Jane Maloney, Habitat for Humanity; Dr. Michael Schill, UCLA; David Pressly, National Association of Home Builders; and Jim Hamilton, National Association of Realtors.


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