
New Ellie Mae tool speeds up real estate loans

Ellie Mae today announced the release of ePASS Express, an add-on utility the company is offering free to Calyx Point users to make it faster and easier for them to submit loans to lenders.

Ellie Mae said that ePASS Express provides a faster, easier way for CalyxPointusers to pre-qualify, price, register, lock and submit loans to 29 leading lenders.

Point users only have access to a limited number of integrated lenders from within Point, according to Ellie Mae. As a result, Ellie Mae said, Point users need to keep track of other lender Web site addresses, remember their log-in credentials, and complete multiple steps to get the borrower’s data sent to the lender.

With ePASS Express, loan officers and processors can now achieve the same result in far less time, Ellie Mae said. With ePASS Express and two mouse clicks, users can now submit a loan electronically to their selected ePASS lenders right from Point, according to Ellie Mae. EPASS Express facilitates the uploading of borrower information and transmits the data securely from Pointwithout the user having to re-key any data.

EPASS Express can be downloaded in a matter of seconds from Ellie Mae’s ePASS Express Web site at no charge. It is a small utility that resembles a standard instant messenger, offering an interface that can be placed and accessed from anywhere on a user’s desktop. In addition to the lenders that are now easily accessible through ePASS Express, custom links can be added to lenders of the user’s choice, Ellie Mae said.

“EPASS Express offers Point users a very useful tool at no charge. With ePASS Express, mortgage professionals can save time on every loan they process. Users get a convenient shortcut to transact with lenders, plus access to current rates and headline news. It’s the kind of utility that any Pointuser will want to have,” said Jonathan Corr, senior vice president of products at Ellie Mae, in a statement.

EPASS Express was designed to enable Pointusers to benefit from some of the capabilities offered by the ePASS Network, which Ellie Mae says is the nation’s largest online mortgage transaction platform. The ePASS Network is currently used by over 21,000 mortgage companies and processes approximately 8 million transactions per year, according to Ellie Mae.


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