
Real estate videos find place on Web

UCit Inc., which produces personal branding videos for real estate agents and home tour videos, today announced a partnership with iCentera, a provider of Web portals, that will allow users to view video content and other information simply by logging on to a specific Web portal.

Sales prospects, established customers and others will receive an e-mail with a link that, when followed, routes customers to a specific, personalized Web page filled with content predetermined by the UCit portal administrator.

“By collaborating with iCentera to create Web portals through which we can communicate with our clients, we are able to speak directly to our prospects through a medium more sophisticated than mass e-mails – we can offer them personalized messages that simultaneously convey information and demonstrate the level of our commitment to our customers,” said James Beal, vice president of operations for UCit.

In addition to simply conveying messages, UCit will be able to monitor a customer’s activity on the portal, and can see when a client logged in and what content they viewed. UCit administrators and sales staff can then adjust content to better serve the needs of customers, and can proactively address issues within customer relationships before they become problematic.


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