
More departures at ActiveRain

Two more high-level employees have left the real estate social network ActiveRain.

Douglas Ching, the network’s vice president of sales, and Steven Graham, head of its online training program ActiveRain University, have left the company to join, Ching said in an ActiveRain blog post announcing the departures

Jonathan Washburn, ActiveRain’s co-founder and CEO, and Jorgen Hahn, its chief technology officer and vice president of product development, also recently stepped down. The latter apparently objected to changes in ownership stakes in the company. Market Leader boosted its ownership of ActiveRain’s outstanding voting stock from 34 percent to 51 percent in September.

"Now that Jon’s active role in the network has ended Steven and I have decided to find a new vision," Ching said. "Jon gave us the freedom to create a unique culture here that you couldn’t find anywhere else. Since the changing of hands, we have grown to miss the creativity and challenges that come with building and maintaining this type of culture."

"We will still be members of AR and are willing to answer any questions," Ching added in the comments section of his post.

In one of more than 150 responses to Ching’s post, the network’s new CEO, Nikesh (Niki) Parekh, wished Ching and Graham success in their new company.

"I truly wish you had stayed at ActiveRain to work with our wonderful community and take ActiveRain to the next level, " he commented.

In a separate blog post, he said, " We will be following up with the community on our new classes and training schedule shortly."