
Introducing #toplistingvids, a weekly contest to showcase real estate’s best listing videos

With screens and high-definition video technology proliferating like weeds in our daily lives, listing videos are becoming a real estate standard — and some, from the racy to the sublime, brush the frontiers of marketing.

While the spring buying season is in full flower, Inman is launching a weekly listing video contest to showcase some of the standouts.

Agents and real estate video pros, submit your listing videos to Inman using Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag “#toplistingvids” for a chance at earning a stand-alone feature story on the site. You can also email submissions to with “#toplistingvids” in the subject line. The deadline to submit each week is Monday at 10 a.m. Eastern time.

Each Monday, we’ll post a handful of listing videos with a poll asking Inman readers to vote on the one they like best. The poll will close every Thursday evening at midnight Eastern time, and the week’s winner will be featured in a story on Friday.

Here’s one from luxury real estate marketing firm Ruhm to whet your appetite.

Email Paul Hagey.