In an industry where brokerages often leave agents to fend for themselves, many agents say they hire coaches to provide personal accountability and moral support. But the survey shows others view the real estate world’s “personal trainers” as hucksters.
More than 9 out of 10 respondents said their business climbed by 10 percent or more during the first year they worked with a coach. More than half said the increase exceeded 25 percent.
For a fifth of respondents, business jumped twofold or more, by their reckoning.
What exactly are coaches doing to produce these results?
“Do I need someone to get my ass in gear?” one skeptic asked dryly.
For many real estate agents, the answer is “yes.”
The most often cited benefit of working with a real estate coach was thatcoaches hold agents accountable (80 percent).
“Giving me perspective” (77 percent) and “training me to use certain business strategies” (73 percent) followed close behind.
“Even with 20 years experience, I still need someone to help keep me motivated and on task,” admitted one participant. “Too much opportunity to ‘squirrel,’ [and I] get distracted.”
Real estate coaches “let me know what others are doing to be successful so I don’t have to reinvent the wheel,” said another. They help me “see things clearly, help me focus, put things into perspective, [and are an] unbiased second eye,” was another representative response.
Read the full real estate coaching special report — a free benefit for Select members.