
Kenny Truong’s social media goals: ‘Be different. Be memorable. Be #FAST.’

Age: 30

Years in real estate: Five

Job title: #FASTAGENT

Location: Oakland, California

Hours per week spent on social media: 20

Social media accounts: Personal Facebook, business Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest

Target demographic: Millennials

Average number of posts per day: 10

Which social channels do you work more?

Facebook business page and Instagram

How many friends, likes, etc., do you have?

Does that number matter to you?

Yes. I am a “Mean Girl” at heart.

Do you ever give it a break?

LOLz — No.

Does social help your business, how?

Absolutely! People want to know who they’re dealing with.

What’s your goal for your favorite social channel?

Deliver entertainment in a unique way. Be different. Be memorable. Be #FAST.

What’s your strategy to achieve it?

Plan ahead. Seize opportunities. Curate, copy and create.

Is it worth it, why?

Yes. It’s fun for all friends and followers!

What’s your craziest social media-related story?

Coachella 2012. I was actively posting to social media the whole trip. One night in our cab on the way back to the hotel … there was a streaker who ran pass our cab being chased by many policemen. He was eventually caught down the road, and when we drove past … my friend took a photograph of the streaker on the ground, face-down, handcuffed with hands behind his back by the police. My friend uploaded to Facebook and tagged me.

I went cold and stopped posting to social media. My friends received numerous phone calls and text messages asking if I was in jail. We went along with it. Friends offered to bail me out. It was awesome. BE MEMORABLE.

What actions do you take that have gotten the most results?

I do weekly e-newsletters with marketing derived from what’s hot that week in pop culture. The headline images — cover photos get used and updated as my Facebook cover photo, Twitter header image, and a LinkedIn post once a week.

I’ve also turned myself into a comic character and use Fiverr to create run real estate comic strips, to post on my business page and e-newsletter.

Is this more about “social” or about business?

Social. It’s a presentation of the real estate market from a different angle.

How do you monitor the channels? Do you use software or apps to manage your account, and which ones?

Just push notification. Push it real good.

How many hours per day are you on social? Do you check it daily? Multiple times per day?

Eight hours. I check it by the hour. A lot of my business is now coming from my Facebook Business page, so it’s unavoidable.

Do you ever think of retiring?

No. I’m too young. Please refer to “Legend” — hot track by Drake.

Do you consider yourself an influencer?

YES. I am the Kanye West of real estate!

Are you social in real life?

YES. I am the Kenny Fast of real life!

What did you do with your time before?

I grew up with the 14.4k modem. There was no time before. I still reminisce about the simple times and dial tones.

How do you leverage your prominence or influence on social?

Be a brand. Be active and be everywhere. Facebook boosted posts are a core component of my online campaigns.

Do you have someone helping you?

Yes, a marketing assistant for my newsletters. Fiverr for comics.

Whom do you follow and why?

I follow a lot of online comedians. They’re honest people and not boring at all.

Where do you find the content that you put out?

Facebook, Google alerts, Twitter, email (business digests).

What has been your all-time hit share?

My top two Facebook posts had 772 shares and 659 shares.

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