
Key principles of real estate career longevity

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Are you set up for success in 2016? Join 2,500 real estate industry leaders Aug. 4-7, 2015, at Inman Connect in San Francisco. Get Connected with the people and ideas that will inspire you and take your business to new heights. Register today and save $100 with code Readers.


Success isn’t easy — and making it last is even harder. In the fast-paced, highly competitive and rapidly changing world of real estate, that’s especially true. The big-name agent in your local town today might have been a complete unknown just a couple of years ago — and they may disappear from view just as quickly.

The fickle nature of the marketplace is part of the industry, but it doesn’t have to be the determining factor over lasting success in your career. You do have a choice — and if you make good business choices, you can outlast the competition and achieve true long-term success.

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Today, we’re taking a hard, honest look at long-term success, and the behaviors, habits and mindset that help you make it last. In real estate, lots of agents come and go, but when you add the key principles of lasting success into your career, you’re likely to achieve more and stay longer in real estate.


Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or schedule a free coaching call with them at

Email Tim Harris.