
7 common questions about real estate list building

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The ultimate aim of any digital marketer selling products or services after generating traffic is to build an email list. The ultimate success lies in the quality and quantity of their email list.

Real estate is no different. You need to build an email list of potential buyers or sellers whom you will nurture to sales or list.

Below are common questions Realtors and agents ask about list building.

7 common questions about real estate list building

1. Why is list building so important?

List building is crucial for your success in digital marketing because it’s the only way to connect with your website and blog visitors to initiate communication and nurture them to sales.

Because the average buying time is between three and six months, you need to be able to contact potential homebuyers to nurture them through the buying circle.

2. How do I build my email list?

Build your email contact list by asking website and blog visitors for contact information.

[Tweet “Build your email contact list by asking website and blog visitors for contact information.”]

Some agents think it’s rude to do that. They prefer to wait for their visitors to give their contact details willingly. But results are slow because most visitors aren’t ready to buy yet.

They are just browsing around the Internet while looking for more information or getting ready to make the big move.

3. How do I ask for the contact details of my website and blog visitors?

One way to ask for the contact information is by offering something of value in exchange for their contact details.

It could be a free service, report or information that will make them trade their contact information.

Free services, reports or information are what I call lead bait, as I covered in this Inman article.

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4. What is lead bait?

As stated previously, lead bait are those free services or information you trade in exchange for contact information from your website and blog visitors.

[Tweet “Lead bait is free service or information traded in exchange for contact info on a website.”]

5. Where do I offer my lead bait?

Offer a lead bait by building a squeeze page (landing page) on all the pages of your website and blog. You’ll use these landing pages to present your lead bait to your visitors.

6. What is a squeeze page (landing page)?

A squeeze page is a landing page specifically created and designed by you to present your lead bait offers to visitors on your website and blog pages.

[Tweet “A squeeze page is a landing page specifically created to present your lead bait offers.”]

A squeeze page could be in the form of an exit pop-up, floating sidebar form, Contact Us form, request viewing form or pop-up form.

7. How do I build a squeeze page (landing page)?

You don’t need any technical knowledge to build a squeeze page (landing page) if your website or blog is on WordPress.

All you need to do is find a squeeze page creator, choose a template and design your landing page without even touching a line of code, and insert it into your WordPress website.

I will go deeper into how to create a high-converting squeeze page with a mouth-watering lead bait in my next post on Inman.

What email list building questions do you have? Please ask questions in the comments section below.

Ibemere Obinna is a Realtor and an Internet marketing expert. He blogs about real estate Internet marketing and SEO on his blog, Realtor Guide.

Email Ibemere Obinna.