
Social selling comes to real estate in Sales Prodigy app

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The pitch

Sales Prodigy is an app that alerts users to relevant social media discussions involving prospects, contacts and about industry trends.

Platform: App for iOS and Android.
Ideal for: Any agent looking to improve how they leverage social media.

Top selling points

Things to consider

This is not a tool for the agent who is new to social media. You’ll need to grasp the underpinnings of each platform and have contacts and belong to active online groups.

The close

Instead of just using social media as a place to deposit static content, Sales Prodigy encourages uses to benefit from interaction.

Setting up the app takes a couple of minutes, and authorization is done through your Twitter account.

[Tweet “Real estate social media marketing has to be a strategy, not just a tactic.”]

The next step involves connecting it with Salesforce, Google Contacts or another form of address book.

Sales Prodigy is working on connections with additional CRMs and offers users an opportunity during setup to request linking yours.

Your Twitter profile pic will zoom in on the screen and few contact profile shots will hover around your logo. It’s slick.

The app actively “listens” to your leads based on topics that you define.

A Sales Prodigy topic is created by defining terms within categories: My Company, Competitors, Industry, and Other.

Each category comes with a corresponding color tag for quick reference.

Users then add relevant topics to each category. The app allows you to choose to be notified or check for updates on your own terms.

This can be a powerful app for real estate agents.

Sales Prodigy uses your authorization of its location service to create a channel for listening to “Nearby” conversations.

Topics can then be created on any hot-button item within your immediate market. Add them for “home prices,” “mortgages,” or the names of nearby community amenities.

[Tweet “This can be a powerful app for real estate agents.”]

Once populated within Sales Prodigy, you can further define contacts by category, influencer or prospect.

Settings enable you to mute a contact or always be notified when they’re active. Individual contact profiles also note recent activity, such as recent tweets.

Sales Prodigy is listening to only your contacts, their social profiles and the topics you request. This is much more accurate and effective than an Internet-wide keyword alert system.

Using Sales Prodigy is like attending Inman Connect. You’ll meet more worthwhile people at a small breakout session about a shared interest than you will at the keynote.

[Tweet “Social selling is the evolution of social media for business.”]

In some ways, Sales Prodigy is better than a CRM because an agent can jump into a conversation among contacts as it’s happening, not merely when it’s their birthday or the anniversary of their closing.

All it takes to earn a customer sometimes is an expertly crafted comment on a popular topic.

Social selling is the evolution of social media for business. It encapsulates a new breed of technology that uses the oceans of data the Internet provides to analyze user activity to the benefit of companies.

The result is extremely narrow customer groups for which tailored messages can be built.

As real estate grows ever more local and on-demand, agents savvy with online tools and trends will start to gain a few lengths in the race for new listings.

If you’re looking for a better way to leverage social media than just posting pictures of foyers and fireplaces and hoping for a few likes, consider Sales Prodigy.

Do you market on social media — what do you think? Leave a comment and let us know!

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe.