
Podcast: 10 steps to creating massive daily motivation

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Fact: The more physically fit you are, the more successful you are in other areas of life.

Here’s another fact: Our most successful coaching clients, as well as the most successful business people in the world, all work out regularly and vigorously. Case in point: Someone once asked Richard Branson (one of the world’s ultimate jet-setting multitaskers) how he managed to stay on top of all his business and projects. His answer? “I work out.”

So what’s the deal with your income and your fitness being so intermingled? Well, part of the reason is the discipline that goes into physical fitness. Taking control over your body is the first step towards controlling your appearance, health and overall energy.

[Tweet “Taking control over your body is the first step towards controlling your appearance, health and overall energy.”]

If you can master control over your body, it puts you on the road to mastering other aspects of your life, such as your real estate career.

Taking action to take control of your life, along with increased energy and health, are big steps to increasing your productivity! To learn more about the 10 steps we recommend for massive daily motivation, and how physical fitness is a keystone to these, tune in to today’s episode and learn why physical fitness benefits your career fitness in real estate.


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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or schedule a free coaching call with them at

Email Tim Harris.