
Letters from real estate broker and ‘Million Dollar Listing Miami’ star: Samantha DeBianchi

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Welcome to “Letters from,” a column that examines the intimate thoughts of members of the real estate industry.

Learning from our mistakes creates a more powerful version of ourselves moving forward.

[Tweet “Learning from our mistakes creates a more powerful version of ourselves moving forward.”]

Name: Samantha (Sam) DeBianchi
Role: Founder and estate agent, real estate coach and TV personality
Years in business: 4 | @SamDeBianchi |

1. Why did you get into this business? 

I saw a void in the industry where there was a lack of customer service. There were great agents who could “sell,” but I wanted to do more — I wanted to sell and educate my clients on what they were actually purchasing or selling.

I also saw the importance behind going above and beyond for clients with regards to customer service and hospitality — making sure that the process of buying or selling is something enjoyable.

2. What is the biggest challenge you face right now in your business?

So many people have a real estate license, and it’s truly hurt the industry as a whole and devalues the position of being (a real estate agent).

Only a small percentage truly understand real estate, perform the services of a real estate agent at a high standard and take pride in their work. We need to raise the standards and criteria of people getting a license.

[Tweet “We need to raise the standards and criteria of people getting a license.”]

3. What do you know now that you wish you would have known when you first started the business?

My parents are very supportive and encouraging and never let me stop pushing, which is how I got to where I am. My parents always told me from a young age, “Sam, do whatever makes you happy, and when it doesn’t make you happy anymore, stop doing it.”

[Tweet “Do whatever makes you happy, and when it doesn’t make you happy anymore, stop doing it.”]

That one piece of advice is exactly how I live my life and run my business — which has led to much success.

4. Who has made the biggest positive impact on your business?

Dolly Lenz. She’s grown to be a very good friend — and she’s amazing.

5. What is one thing someone could do to help you in your business?

Referrals, referrals, referrals! I don’t care if you’re just starting out or an expert — everyone needs more business.

6. What tool has made the biggest positive impact on your business?

I know it’s not a tangible tool, but confidence has truly made the biggest positive impact on my business. Especially when someone first starts out, it’s difficult to gain clients and people’s trust and business, but confidence mixed with knowledge — those are the golden tools in this business.

Confidence has truly made the biggest positive impact on my business.

7. What do you think is going to be the biggest change in real estate in the next five years?

That’s a tough one to answer. I wish I had a crystal ball to see what the next five years would look like. But I do see technology taking over real estate slowly but surely, and I think that every agent out there will have to adjust their sales model accordingly to include technology in a much more major way than before.

I also believe that with more technology and more real estate information out there than ever before, buyers and sellers are a lot more educated. And because of that, real estate agents have to step up their game and bring something more to the table than just information that their clients can find online.

Cheryl Spangler is the principal broker and co-owner of FORBZ Real Estate Group located in Alexandria, Virginia (serving VA, DC, MD). You can follow her on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Email Cheryl Spangler.