
Letters from: real estate agent Melissa Syverson

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Welcome to “Letters from,” a column that examines the intimate thoughts of members of the real estate industry.

Learning from our mistakes creates a more powerful version of ourselves moving forward.

[Tweet “Learning from our mistakes creates a more powerful version of ourselves moving forward.”]

Name: Melissa Syverson
Role: Realtor, photographer, investor, rehabber, just a simple girl with big dreams
Years in business: 4 | @melissasyverson | | Melissa’s Success Secrets

1. Why did you get into this business?

I have a passion for real estate, and I am passionate about helping people. I got into the business because I knew that with both of those things combined I will make a difference within this industry and in people’s lives.

[Tweet “I have a passion for real estate, and I am passionate about helping people.”]

2. What is the biggest challenge you face right now in your business?

The biggest challenge I face right now is juggling family — a full-time job while working toward a full-time real estate career.

3. What do you know now that you wish you had known when you first started the business?

I wish I knew how satisfying and gratifying it is being a real estate professional; I would have started earlier and made it my full-time business from the beginning.

4. Who has made the biggest positive impact on your business?

I’m going to say my broker. It’s hard from going from a 9-to-5 job with structure and consistency to being on your own. She has been a constant in my life — positive, encouraging, outgoing. When I’m feeling down or discouraged she helps me stay positive and try new techniques to get more business.

5. What is one thing someone could do to help you in your business?

I would have to say to master Web leads and conversion as buyers are always changing how they want to be interacted with.

6. What tool has made the biggest positive impact on your business?

Of course, my phone is a necessity, but I would say having dotloop has made a huge difference. Being able to do everything, including filling out paperwork and signing from my phone, has been great.

7. What do you think is going to be the biggest change in real estate in the next five years?

I think that consumers are going to start being more money-conscious as they are already starting to. I think people will start using more creative financing to have their mortgages paid off faster with less interest.

[Tweet “I think people will start using more creative financing to have their mortgages paid off faster.”]


Cheryl Spangler is the principal broker and co-owner of FORBZ Real Estate Group located in Alexandria, Virginia (serving VA, DC, MD). You can follow her on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Email Cheryl Spangler.