
Meet your new marketing competition: Willie Neighson

Finding new ways to showcase property is challenging. Some agents would even argue that creative marketing has “jumped the shark” and that there is nothing new to offer.

When the property is unique and offers a specific lifestyle, target marketing is key. Reach the right audience, and bring the proverbial needle to the top of the haystack. So when traditional real estate just will not fit, what are homeowners to do? Why hire their horse to sell and market the home?

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Willie Neighson, the aforementioned horse (self-proclaimed top horse agent in the country) was kind enough to answer a few pressing questions about this particular strategy. Neighson is utilizing a custom website and a little gumption to help gain exposure for his current listing.

How has your journey into real estate been thus far?

My strategy is to put on my horse blinders and stay focused on finding a new owner for the 20-acre farm. My journey into real estate has been fun so far. A few horse friends called me to help put their stables on the market for them.

Are you hooves-on with buyers? Do they get to take a trail ride before they buy?

Nice one! I’m very hooves-on with the buyers. When we have visitors, I give them a walking tour of the pasture and trails. After they own the farm, they can take all the trail rides they desire.

If you had to use one sentence to describe what it would be like to live with you on this great property what would it be?

If you desire happiness, good quality of life, space for you to play with horses and eat lots of healthy food, this is the place for you.

How did you approach these concerns for your owner as you assumed the role of agent for this transaction?

Instead of thinking outside the box, I’m thinking inside of the barn. As the top horse agent in America, I made sure potential owners have access to all of the information they need.

We built a custom website,, with photos, videos and relevant information. We went a step further to allow people to schedule tours online and buy the house online with the click of a button.

How have showings been?  Has it been difficult for you not to put the cart before the horse and to be patient for the right buyer to come?

The showings are going great, but most of the tours are scheduled after the holidays. As far as holding out for the right owner, I enjoy meeting people who love farms, living off the land and understand the lifestyle.

Do you have any advice to agents or homeowners who are considering hiring a non-human to help them sell?

My advice to other agents or homeowners who are considering to hire a non-human to help sell is to choose one that aligns with their personality. If you dislike cats, a cat should not represent you. Sloths are cute but very slow to respond.

What do you think? Creativity holds the keys to the kingdom in this scenario. Willie and his owners the Page family have been featured on several national news outlets.

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Please feel free to discuss the pros and cons below. Willie Neighson is available via email:

By day, Rachael Hite helps agents develop their business. By night, she’s tweeting for

Email Rachael Hite.