
How to leverage challenging situations to your advantage

Daxiao Productions /

Jenna Bascom /

NEW YORK — Dolly Lenz, CEO of Dolly Lenz Real Estate, is “the most connected person in the world,” according to Brad Inman.

“Every problem is fixable,” Lenz noted. (Except for death, of course.)

Lenz noted that in the New York City luxury market, Greenwich Village and the Upper East Side will hold up well in New York City, but she has questions about whether Midtown will do quite as well.

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“How many people can pay $8,000 per square foot?” she asked.

Agents can’t be tour guides, she said. They must be experts; they must understand the challenges inherent to the job in order to be able to succeed.

And the first and foremost duty of an agent is to take care of the client.

“I’m not here to walk you through an apartment, take a bid from you and end of story,” she said. “I am here to provide advice. I am on your side in this transaction.”

She goes through every detail, she said. She understands the pitfalls of every transaction, and she explains it to the clients — instead of asking a lawyer.

One of the big “headwind challenges,” Lenz said, is that clients are becoming more intelligent. “Whoever you’re working with — they’d better see you in front of them.”

Email Amber Taufen

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