
Do you have the 2 traits it takes to sell luxury real estate?

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Real estate agents tell me all the time that they don’t think they have what it takes to sell luxury real estate. When I ask them what they think they need, the answers are all over the board.

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Although there are many factors that will contribute to your success, there are two things that stand out. Master these, and your chances of finding success go up tremendously.


The first trait you must have to find success in luxury home sales is consistency.

Consistency in everything you do, such as what you produce in marketing luxury homes, how you position the marketing products and how you distribute your communications.

It’s easy to overcomplicate your selling process. When we do, we fail to do the little things on a consistent basis. The more you streamline your process, the better each piece of the puzzle will be.

Consistency also is vital in paperwork. When you fail to keep up with the paperwork, it makes you look bad in the eyes of the buyer and seller.

They want to know that you’re on top of every detail. So keep things simple and follow through on everything. As the success guru Jim Rohn once said: “Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.”

[Tweet “‘Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.’ – Jim Rohn”]

Another sales guru, Tom Hopkins, once grew a company from nothing to $20 million in just five years. He did it by focusing on doing one thing extraordinarily well. He focused on using his intent statement at every sales opportunity.

“I focused on using this technique on every call. I didn’t use it occasionally. I didn’t use it when I felt up to it. I used it consistently on every call.” In other words, his marketing was focused and consistent. He never failed to be consistent.


The second trait that can propel you to success is authenticity. This is one of the most critical components in building a relationship with an affluent prospect.

Remember, your luxury sellers and buyers are being solicited at every angle. Selling is about connecting. When you’re authentic, you don’t have to remember a script. Your customers know you’re genuine and don’t feel like you’re selling them a bill of goods.

[Tweet “Selling is about connecting. When you’re authentic, you don’t have to remember a script. “]

Part of authenticity that’s absolutely vital is caring for the customer. If your customer feels like you’re in the sale for yourself, he or she will find someone else. This is particularly important in the luxury market.

They want to know that they are the most important person in your life at that moment. If your mind is off somewhere else, they’ll see it.

Selling luxury homes is a skill most real estate agents can learn. To learn these skills, start by being consistent and being authentic.

Kevin M. Leonard is the founder of Luxury Agent and Valore Group. You can follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Email Kevin Leonard.