
Flyp the switch on managing multiple phone numbers

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Flyp is an app that allows multiple phone numbers to be created and managed on a single smartphone.

Platform(s): iOS and Android
Ideal for: Agents who want separate personal and business phones or to leverage alternate numbers in marketing

Top selling points

  1. Ease of use
  2. Organization of calls and text history by number and contact
  3. Contacts assigned by number, not device

Things to consider

Flyp can’t port additional numbers into your custom list, and you can’t completely make up a number. But it does allow users to choose available numbers within their ZIP code.

Full review

This will be a relatively short review because Flyp isn’t all that complex an app.

But it is an absolute standout among business apps in terms of practicality, elegance and sales applicability.

A Flyp account allows users to set up five additional phone numbers on their iPhone or Android. Your current number makes six.

New users request the desired area code and users are offered a list of available numbers from which to choose. Flyp has numbers in close to 90 percent of all U.S. area codes.

Each number is assigned a color, a custom name, separate settings and in essence, it’s own identity on your phone. This is how Flyp makes it so easy to manage multiple business entities on a single device.

[Tweet “Flyp stands out among business apps for its practicality, elegance, and sales applicability.”]

Text messages can be sent using any Flyp number as well.

Perhaps the app’s smartest feature is Conversations. This streamlined interface consolidates all phone and text communications with contacts by their Flyp number in a clear visual timeline.

This eliminates having to swipe back and forth between apps for call records and texts with the same person.

Voicemails can be heard in a single tap from a Conversation.

Contacts can be imported from your current universal list and assigned to the most appropriate number.

Agents could use Flyp to create separate phone numbers for listing services and buyer representation. Place one on ads about listings and give another to someone who’s looking.

Flyp numbers can also help you parse prospects in sub-markets, especially within larger MSAs.

Perhaps the app’s smartest feature is Conversations.

Individual numbers are also very useful for tracking landing page and banner ad conversions.

Best of all, you can finally separate your business phone from your personal phone.

Flyp’s development team has a deep history in telecommunications, and the app doesn’t use VoIP (voice over IP). Users are getting actual hardline numbers. (But on a mobile phone.)

The underlying technology is naturally a sensitive topic for the Flyp team. Needless to say, it works.

The Flyp interface is worthy of its operating systems’ best apps. Each number is color-coded and easy to recognize upon ring so you have context for the incoming call.

Users can also put certain numbers in “Do Not Disturb” mode, and when it’s time to share your new number, Flyp leverages your phone’s existing share access settings for emailing, texting and social media.

I think Flyp is a smart, useful app with a lot of value for the real estate industry.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe.