
4 must-watch videos that inspire passion for life and business

Sutichak Yachiangkham /

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There’s a lot of stuff on the Internet.

There’s also a lot of great stuff on the Internet.

Simon Sinek’s all-time classic aside, the talks here are more about life than business or technology. However, how can we inspire in business if we don’t have our own reason for being? Here are four top-notch speeches that can help reset your focus:

‘If Money Were No Object’

Lakeside Productions, 00:03:45

The immortal words of British thought-leader Alan Watts in video form. It’s been done many times, but this take moves me more than others. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, as long as it’s your passion. But how many of us are honest to ourselves about what that is?

From Lakeside Productions on Vimeo.

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‘How Great Leaders Inspire Action’

Simon Sinek, TED Talk, 00:18:30

Regardless of how many times you’ve watched “The Golden Circle,” it never hurts to spend 18 minutes watching the best speech on how to run a business. Ever.

[Tweet “It never hurts to spend 18 minutes watching the best speech on how to run a business. Ever.”]

‘Learning From Dirty Jobs’

Mike Rowe, TED Talk, 00:19:51

The television host is an exceptionally lucid, introspective speaker. What starts as a graphic tale of lamb castration morphs into a stark commentary on the nature of work and business innovation. It’s a bit long, but the wisdom is worth the wait.

‘Jim Valvano’s ESPY Speech’

Jimmy V, 1993 ESPY Awards, 00:11:15

There’s nothing quite like hearing a man with only weeks to live laugh off the notion of stopping his speech at the behest of a time-constrained television producer. This speech spawned a movement in cancer research. If you can’t accept wisdom from someone with this kind of life experience …

What’s on your agenda today?

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe.