
Agents: Professional real estate photography should be standard!

Photo credit: Andresr /

You are not a professional photographer. Your iPhone is not a camera. I’m begging and pleading with you to call someone who does professional real estate photography. I think it’s an industry standard that we all should uphold.

When you cut corners on things like professional photography, you’re killing us all.

We all know that homeshoppers look online before they consider a home, which is why it’s crucial that you invest in good photography.

There is no good excuse for poor amateur photos on a listing! If a consumer hires a professional Realtor to market his or her home properly, professional photography should be baseline — not an upgrade. And it should be for all properties, not just a certain price point.

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Leigh Brown is a full-time residential Realtor, speaker, coach and smartass. She works in the Charlotte, North Carolina, market with Re/Max Executive Realty and can be reached @leighbrown on all networks.

Email Leigh Brown.