
Looking for new products? This tool might help

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Real estate agents on the hunt for software to help organize their contacts, drum up leadsupgrade their websites or complete a range of other tasks may want to putt around on a recently updated product discovery tool.

Real estate consultancy 1000watt says its made the 1000watt Index “simpler, cleaner and faster” to help agents and brokers sift through products ranging from IDX solutions and home maintenance software to market analytics and social marketing tools.

Screen shot showing 1000watt Index.

Other real estate product discovery tools include RE Technology, Xoobli, AgentArmory and The Modern Day Agent.

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1000watt takes a purposely minimalist approach to organizing and presenting real estate tech products. While products are indexed by a long list of categories, listings only include the names of products and links to their websites.

Other indexes tend to provide product descriptions, ratings and reviews. But none have seemed to accumulate a robust number of ratings and reviews (though RE Technology has certainly come closer than its competitors).

One challenge to building a comprehensive database of ratings and reviews is that “if you’re going to do something like that as a business, it’s hard to remain objective and credible,” noted Brian Boero, a partner at 1000watt.

Building the 1000watt Index is a “group effort,” and anyone can submit a company for possible inclusion. Those that “pass 1000watt’s own subjective relevance/credibility/intelligibility test” will earn a spot.

Vendors can pay a small fee to have their products appear prominently in the index, Boero said.

Email Teke Wiggin