
What’s the most popular rental listing search term in your state?

Kent-Weakley /

On the heels of its April report on the most common words in home listings by state, Zillow has released the results of a similar study on rental listings. The company combed through every rental listing from 2015 and analyzed which unique search terms set each of the 50 states apart.

According to the analysis, landlords in Washington, D.C., are seven times more likely to mention “Starbucks” in a listing, while landlords in Arkansas are a whopping 54 times more likely to use the phrase “close to Walmart.”

Meanwhile, landlords in the Golden State are peachy keen about their fruits — they’re eight times more likely to mention fruit trees in a listing, and New Yorkers are all about gaining coveted closet space.

[Tweet “.@zillow landlords in DC are 7x more likely to mention @starbucks in a rental listing.”]

Landlords in other states such as Colorado use more “interesting” terms to bring the renters in in droves. Colorado landlords are 45 times more likely use the term “marijuana,” and Idaho renters are all about automatic sprinklers.

[Tweet “.@zillow: landlords in Colorado are 45x more likely to use the term “marijuana” in a rental listing.”]

Want to know what’s popular in your state? Check out the infographic below.

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