
Connie Engel: ‘Work with integrity, always’

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Connie Engel is a broker for @properties‘ East Lincoln Park office.

What was your first sale? What about it made you confident that real estate was for you?

My first sale was a small one-bedroom loft in the Loop in 2001 for a corporate buyer looking for a place close to the office for out of town clients and staff. The owner of the business was introduced to me through an acquaintance. The sale was one of the best Christmas presents I ever received, as it went under contract just before the holidays — and allowed me to buy an extra gift or two!

When did you get into the business, and why?

I got into the business in 2001 after looking to buy my first place and becoming intrigued by the profession. I actually started as a licensed assistant with the Realtor who I was working with at the time. The experience made me realize I like the process and that I am good at it.

What makes you successful? Three things.

The things that make me successful are my commitment to my clients, my professional background and experience and the fact that I am doing what I love. It is never about the sale or the commission check. It is always about the client and what is right for them. It is all about the relationship, not the transaction.

What drives you on a daily basis?

I am driven to be the best I can be because I love what I do, and I learned from my father that if you are going to do it, do it right. We all make mistakes, but if we strive to be the best and do our best, everything will fall into place, and we can be proud of who we are and what we can and accomplish.

Do you use a coach? Who and why? If not, why?

I have dabbled with coaches in the past but found that if I stay true to myself and always work with integrity, the rest will fall into place. Having said that, there have been times when a “reboot” is in order to get excited about setting up my goals for the year, etc.

Do you work in a team? Why? If not, why?

I have always worked as a sole practitioner, only using the assistance of another Realtor when necessary. I find that I am somewhat of a control person when it comes to my business, so I’m not very forgiving when I hand off a client to someone and the level of service provided is not up to my standard. I must also admit that to work within a team or assistant framework requires an organizational and managerial/systems skill set that I am not sure are my strengths.

Do you buy leads from the portals? Which ones and why?


What technology is most important to your success?

Any technology that allows me to keep in touch with my clients and allows me to provide them the information and analysis they are seeking is most important to me.

What is the first thing you do in the morning to help you be successful?  

Have a strong cup of coffee!

How many hours do you work each week, and what do you do on your downtime?

My work week can range from 30 hours on a very slow week to over 80 hours on a very stress-filled week. I am so fortunate that I love what I do — it sometimes makes me “work” when I could be doing something else. But when clarity hits, I love to play with my two boys (Alexander and Max), throw the ball with the dog, go for a run in the forest preserve, ride my bike or just get out there in this wonderful city we are lucky to call home.

What is some advice you would give new agents?

Work with integrity, always. Success will follow.

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