
Podcast: Sit or sell? 5 secrets to selling fast

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You want a sale, and so does the seller.

So, why are you often accused of only wanting to price the home to pad your pocket faster?

It’s all about how you present your case. Pricing a home to sell can feel like a tug-of-war with the seller, but it doesn’t have to be. Change your mindset, and change the outcome. Drill down on these five secrets.

  1. The point of this script, as well as all pricing scripts, is not to be right; it’s to do what’s right. Your mindset should always be one of service. When you adopt that, your business should begin to flow a lot easier. When you stop having to be right about the price and focus on doing what’s right for your seller, you can achieve a “most money in the least time” situation — which always leads to a very happy seller.
  2. Your first offer is almost always your best offer, and sometimes it’s your only offer.
  3. Whenever you find yourself in contention with your sellers, it’s time to back down. Your ego is what’s preventing the sale. Let the seller be right, and revisit the price later if necessary.
  4. Showing the facts speaks louder than listing at your price versus the seller’s price. Remove your ego, and use real-world scenarios to paint a picture.
  5. You can overprice a home in hot markets. But that sets you up for appraisal issues. To avoid having to be “back on the market” at the more reasonable price, just price it where it should be in the first place.

But first, what do you do when sellers disagree with your suggested list price? Let them have their price. No, we haven’t lost our minds (though, I’m sure that’s what you’re thinking).

But, guess what? We didn’t lose the listing either! Let sellers have their price — for now. But tell them that you’re going to revisit it. Never lose a listing over price. When you do, it’s because of your ego.

[Tweet “Never get into a battle of the wills with your seller @TimandJulie”].

Using stories takes the perceived personal attack out of the mix and enables the sellers to hear that you are trying to help them. Interestingly enough, stories use a different part of your brain that automatically deflates the ego.

Listen on for the details of all five secrets, and the strategies you need to master to do right by your sellers.


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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or request more information about their programs at

Email Tim Harris.