
Just closed a sale? Shop the Giftagram app’s classy collection


Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe.

Giving customers and business colleagues gifts has been around since the birth of business.

Naturally, it’s quite common for real estate agents to send something to buyers or sellers after closing. Plus, a nice closing gift alleviates “commission guilt,” that misplaced obligation of having to justify to clients why you’re getting a check and they’re getting a mortgage.

Plus, it’s nice to do.

Giftagram is a sharp new shopping app that offers users an intuitive way to find and send gifts to contacts.

What I think makes this stand out from competitors is the in-app shopping features and, even more so, the impressive collection of elegant, small-brand gifts perfect for professional relationships.

It has plenty of trendy stuff, too, like “vintage” record players, Moscow Mule mugs and books about the films of Wes Anderson.

You can search by category, like For Him or For Her, but also sort through Home, Bar, Library, Beauty, Tech & Gadgets, Kids or Sweet Tooth. There’s also a Client Gifts category.

If you can open the app and not send a gift to yourself, consider yourself disciplined.

Giftagram asks to access your phone or Facebook contact list so it can send a text or email to your gift recipient asking for the best shipping address. As their real estate agent, you could skip that step.

[Tweet “If you can open the app and not send a gift to yourself, consider yourself disciplined.”]

Users can attach payment methods to the app, earn credits through shopping and referrals, and track order status.

Giftagram can build you a favorites list and also remind you of events.

Giftagram has plenty of trendy stuff, too, like books about the films of Wes Anderson.

This app is as easy as Amazon Prime, without the volumes of choices that cause you to second guess what you had planned before you logged on.

Plus, there’s something more personal about Giftagram, the entire experience is designed to feel more thoughtful.

Now, I don’t love that it asks the recipient for the delivery address. It can be argued as tacky. I suppose it’s debatable.

Giftagram is available in all of the U.S. and Canada, with some specific brands only delivering locally (i.e. certain flowers) to Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and San Francisco.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe.