
Podcast: Feeling personally attacked? 10 ways to protect yourself (Part 1)

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There’s more than enough frustration to go around in real estate, isn’t there? The underwater and uncooperative seller, the lazy loan officer, the crabby co-broke agent, the never satisfied client. It can be easy to feel personally attacked.

The danger for you lies in making their emotions your emotions. It’s a surefire way to get burned out in a business that has so much to offer.

In this podcast series, we’re giving you 10 tips to build your emotional wall so that you don’t get dragged into a battle that’s not yours.

1. Remember that people rarely intend to hurt you

People think of themselves first almost always. Remind yourself of this when you have a reaction of pain to a situation; the tough negotiation, the chaotic closing or the stressed-filled relocation situation.

2. Ask yourself what you are to be learning from the situation

What do the real estate gods want you to take away from whatever is happening? Practice this phrase, “It’s too soon to tell,” when you feel yourself becoming anxious.

[Tweet “The choices you make determine your character. @timandjulie”]

3. You can’t control what people say or do, but you can control your reaction to those things

Choose how you want to react instead of spouting off the first thing that comes to your mind. A good rule of thumb? Wait 30 minutes before responding to something that sparks an emotional fuse inside you.

4. Use daily affirmations to remind yourself that you are confident and competent

Remember that you have a mindset of service, and you’re doing good work!

Tomorrow, we’ll continue with more tips on how to strengthen your emotional resolve in the face of conflict, stress and attacks so that you can learn to be the rock your clients can rely on.

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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or request more information about their programs at

Email Tim Harris.