
Podcast: Feeling personally attacked? 10 ways to protect yourself (Part 3)

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We’re on our last three points today on how to stop taking things personally so that they don’t wreck your ability to make money. Have you caught on to the fact that so much of this is in your control?

The very things that others do to you or say to you, you alone have the power to decide if they will bring you down or give you the opportunity to rise up and shine.

8. Adopt the ‘it’s too soon to tell’ mantra instead of instantly judging if something is good or bad

It’s easy to celebrate the new listing or lament over the lost buyer. But isn’t it too soon to tell if either one of those is going to turn out to be what you think?

Maybe the new listing won’t sell so fast or the lost buyer is off to torture some other agent? It’s just too soon to tell.

By thinking this way, you always keep yourself learning and open to what the experience has to teach you.

9. Create a daily schedule that fills the cup so you are more insulated from the unpredictable 

What makes you tick? A great book? An inspiring song? A brisk morning walk or an evening swim?

Insert just one thing that fills you up in your morning schedule so you’re feeling great as you face the day. This begins a steady, positive flow of energy.

[Tweet “The key to success is doing three to five things per day really well — not 100! @timandjulie”]

10. Have an accountability partner or coach who keeps you on the right path

Don’t go it alone. A coach can bring perspective to the seasons in your business and can help you get back to the goals you set and even move you beyond to the next level. An accountability partner can hold you accountable to your goals.

Once you learn the power of disengaging from your ego, asking yourself thoughtful questions and coming up with reasoned responses, you’ll be unstoppable. Use these 10 strategies, and stop letting others’ words and actions determine how your day goes.

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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or request more information about their programs at

Email Tim Harris.