
Podcast: 3 simple steps to sell houses using Twitter

Courtney Keating /

Are you using Twitter for real estate completely wrong? Most real estate agents will never sell houses with Twitter or see success finding buyers with this social network. And here’s the kicker. It’s really not that complicated.

On a recent Real Estate Rockstar Radio podcast, Pat Hiban discussed how to sell multiple houses by spending less than 10 minutes a day on Twitter.

You can see the same success by following this simple strategy. So if you are ready to see ROI with your social marketing efforts, start by taking a quick look at how real estate agents can sell houses with Twitter in three simple steps.

Stop making one massive mistake on Twitter

For the most part, the real estate industry is a graveyard on Twitter. The reason for this is that the majority of real estate agents continue to make the same mistake, which leads to no results from their social media marketing efforts. Correct this mistake and you are on your way to increasing your real estate commissions with Twitter.

Stop using Twitter as a push marketing platform and only sending out the same “check out my new listings” or “read my new blog post” tweets to your followers. Twitter is a conversational platform — not an instant result platform.

The game for real estate agents is to get into the conversation and not use Twitter as a bullhorn delivering announcements every few hours each day.

[Tweet “Twitter is a conversational platform — not an instant result platform. “]

Monitor searches to sell houses with Twitter

What’s next now that you know how to avoid the one big mistake most agents make on Twitter? Start monitoring the social network for conversations users are having about buying and selling houses in your local real estate market. How do you do this?

It’s easy. You start by using the Twitter search feature.

For example, type “Baltimore condo” in the search field, switch over to “all tweets” to see more than just your followers, and start scrolling and looking for someone tweeting out about condos in Baltimore.

Yes, you will have to make your way past all the agents pushing out their listings and blog posts. But along the way, you are likely to find someone asking a question about Baltimore condos, a neighborhood, local market trends, etc. Once you find that tweet, it is time to move on to step three.

Keep in mind, you can use a number of search terms as well as popular hashtags in your Twitter search. Get creative, and put yourself in the head of a buyer or seller. Search Twitter using neighborhood-specific terms, property types, loan questions, etc., to find conversations you can join.

[Tweet “Start monitoring Twitter for conversations users are having about buying and selling houses.”]

Don’t always be closing on Twitter

Once you see your opening, jump in with helpful conversation — not a sales pitch. If someone tweets out about checking out a neighborhood on a Saturday afternoon for new houses on the market, you can ease yourself in the discussion by mentioning the great pizza place just around the corner or how you love the local dog park in that neighborhood.

Along with putting your sales pitch on the back-burner, you also don’t need to announce that you are a real estate agent.

Twitter users whom you engage in conversation will check out your profile for themselves. As the conversation progresses, you can drop the fact that you are a local real estate agent in the conversation downstream.

Although you shouldn’t expect to instantly get listings to sell houses with Twitter or find buyer clients after one or two tweets, you can see results in as little as a few minutes a day over time.

[Tweet “Once you see your opening, jump in with helpful conversation — not a sales pitch.”]

Listen to the entire podcast now for more real-world examples, strategies and social marketing tips that deliver real results for real estate agents with social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and LinkedIn.

Pat Hiban is the author of NYT best selling book “6 steps to 7 figures – A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Destiny”, the founder of Rebus University and the host of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars an Agent to Agent Real Estate Radio Podcast with Hiban Digital in Baltimore, Maryland. Follow him on Instagram or Twitter.

Email Pat Hiban.