
Everything you need to know to make a real estate video

IxMaster /

Over the past year, videos have become an integral part of many real estate professionals’ marketing strategies because of their virality and the plethora of options for video creation, such as Facebook Live, Snapchat, Instagram, Periscope and YouTube.

But some agents still steer away from videos because they simply don’t know how to tap into their creativity and get started.

Well, real estate video masters Marguerite Giguere and Anne Jones of Tacoma, Washington, heard the call of confused agents everywhere and created a “mini-masterclass” on Facebook where they spilled the beans on how to jumpstart your video efforts — which isn’t as hard as it seems. Check it out:

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Need some ideas or inspiration for how to get started? Here are some videos that Giguere and Jones made.

A community tour of Tacoma:

Visiting Happy Belly:

How to get more money from your house: