
3 profitable tips to maintain, sustain and grow a real estate business

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You probably already know a handful of profitable real estate tips designed to help you perform better day in and day out in your real estate business.

There are tips for converting more leads, strategies for finding more sellers, guides to perfecting your listing presentation and many more actionable real estate success tips available to agents.

What if, however, we told you that you could maintain, sustain and grow a profitable real estate business by simply following three real estate tips on a regular basis?

Recently, a guest on Pat Hiban’s podcast was kind enough to share three tips for real estate agents that helped him close 35 deals a month with the majority (around 70 percent) of those deals coming from referrals and repeat clients.

That agent is Ashton Gustafson — a highly-successful Realtor who happily shared his secret to success with Hiban and his listening audience.

Gustafson’s podcast interview was packed full of actionable content, so make sure to give it a listen. But for now, let’s take a look at his three profitable real estate tips to help you maintain, sustain and grow your real estate business.

Show up tastefully

Your first tip is to earn trust the right way by showing up tastefully — not by spamming your sphere of influence or leads. Your goal is to become a trusted resource — the go-to real estate expert — by providing excellent relevant, consistent and persistent data in a helpful, valuable way with no strings attached.

You do this by following the law of the harvest. If you want something to grow, then you must plant and cultivate the dirt.

[Tweet “If you want something to grow, then you must plant and cultivate the dirt.”]

Gone are the days when you could simply approach your sphere of influence or your leads and offer nothing more than, “Need a real estate agent? Give me a call.” This spam approach of offering nothing more than, “I’m a real estate agent, call me, and I will sell your house,” no longer works.

Instead, you must always offer relevant, consistent and persistent data with a tasteful approach which lends itself to cultivating a relationship.

Hyper-local market expert

Want to win over buyers and sellers? Don’t worry about being a market expert. Instead, become a hyper-local market expert.

You are not going to win more listings by sharing a market report offering macro-level data. Buyers and sellers want to know what is going on in their neighborhoods and on their block.

[Tweet “You aren’t going to win more listings by sharing macro-level data.”]

They want micro-level data. So, when you approach leads tastefully with relevant, consistent and persistent data, make the focus of that information hyper-local.

When you present yourself as a hyper-local market expert who is showing up with information, advice and tips that touch people on a personal level, then you are going to find yourself maintaining, growing and sustaining a profitable real estate business.

Actively participate

The third tip for real estate agents is to actively participate in someone’s life. Don’t just send an email to a lead or post a birthday wish on a past client’s Facebook page. Take the time to send handwritten notes and make personal phone calls.

[Tweet “Actively participate in someone’s life.”]

Reach out and connect with people and build your business through those relationships. As Gustafson so eloquently put it, “Be the friend that gets to be the Realtor instead of the Realtor that one day hopes to be the friend.”

These three profitable real estate tips were just the tip of the iceberg when it came to actionable strategies shared by Gustafson in his interview with Hiban. Do yourself, and your bottom line, a favor and listen to the podcast today.

Pat Hiban is the author of NYT best selling book “6 steps to 7 figures – A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Destiny”, the founder of Rebus University and the host of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars an Agent to Agent Real Estate Radio Podcast with Hiban Digital in Baltimore, Maryland. Follow him on Instagram or Twitter.

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