
Podcast: Cutting through the lies we tell ourselves (part 1)

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You’ve heard us say it on the podcast over and over. Our definition of long-term, ever-increasing success is: doing what you don’t want to do, when you don’t want to do it — at the highest level.

This is definitely not the kind of saying you’re going to see on a poster with kitten on it! We feel so strongly about its link to your success as a real estate agent that we’re dedicating this podcast series to helping you fully understand not only what it means but also how to put this mindset into practice.

Make a list of all the things in real estate that you avoid doing. This is the don’t-want-to-do part. The things you don’t do with consistency, avoid like the plague, have sworn off of or get panic attacks just thinking about. Yes, those things.

[Tweet “What you’re avoiding is the thing you should be doing. @timandjulie”]

The key to doing this exercise right is letting go of that pesky ego! If you hear your ego “defending” you, claiming that you love to do these things that you rarely do or denying that you have a problem doing them, it’s going to take a lot longer to see the results you want!

We wrote down a few to get you started:

We could list dozens more, but you can probably identify with a few on our list here. Think about this. What is the one common string that runs throughout all of these activities? They are the things you must be doing that make you money!

If it sounds so simple, then why is it so hard? We’ll tackle that on the next show. Listen to part one first as we lay the groundwork for this life-changing pillar!

One thing we can promise you, though, is that if you will internalize and understand this concept of doing what you don’t want to do (when you don’t want to do it!) at the highest level, is that you will have a ridiculously unfair advantage in your market! Doesn’t that sound good?

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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or request more information about their programs at

Email Tim Harris.