
Podcast: 20 success secrets the world won’t tell you (part 1)


In this first podcast of our four-part series, we lay the groundwork and touch on four initial truths that nobody tells you when you get your real estate license.

Sure, you need to know about scripts and lead generation and listing presentations, but there’s some unconventional wisdom that you need to know if you really want to thrive in this business and create a legacy of service.

[Tweet “Motivation is something you earn when you get into action. @timandjulie”]

Some of these will be lightbulb moments for you and others will give you pause. Some might even cause initial discouragement because they will poke holes in things you’ve always been taught or wanted to believe because they sounded right.

Here are the first four things we wish someone had told us from the very beginning:

1. Embrace the fact that skill plus motivation equals never being broke

This means that once you have enough skill that your business is predictable, and you maintain motivation through goal setting, giving back and gratitude you’ll never have money struggles again.

2. Pay your taxes on time or ahead

Your broker and office manager are not in charge of your tax liabilities, only you are!

3. Pay yourself first

Pay yourself 10 percent minimum from every check earned, even if you don’t think you can afford to. It’s the only way we’ve ever seen savings occur with our coaching clients, our colleagues and ourselves.

4. There is no ‘big eagle’ ready to fly over and drop a bag of cash upon you

Stop waiting for, praying for, hoping for the big-money event.

It’s not a plan. It’s not predictable, duplicatable or sustainable to think this way.

What do we want you to know from these first four truths? That no one wants you to succeed in building wealth. Not even the people who love you the most.

In all actuality, they will likely be the ones that will discourage the truths we’re telling you. If you want to create a legacy of service and wealth in real estate, you will have to take on the disciplines of people who build wealth.

Join us for our next podcast, as we continue on with these truths and talk about how to deal with the rejection and solitude you will experience in journeying this road.

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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or request more information about their programs at

Email Tim Harris.