
Podcast: 20 success secrets the world won’t tell you (part 2)

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In part 2 of our series, we focus on some hard truths about becoming successful in the real estate business.

We focus on some serious myths about passion, wealth accumulation, the realities of rejection and the responses you’ll receive from others when you start to get ahead in this business.

5. Focus on base hits, and stop expecting a home run to get to your goal

The everyday victory comes in many forms. It’s a victory to follow your morning schedule. It’s a victory to have a media-free life.

It’s a victory to do your lead follow-up daily. You don’t have to have huge scores every day if you have lots of little ones along the way.

6. Expect to be rejected and have your feelings hurt by those you thought would be most proud of you

Most people don’t know how to handle the success of others. Forgive them and accept this as normal.

7. Accept that you will be demonized if you express interest in building wealth

Scarcity-minded people think that your earned dollar is taken from their pocket. Abundance-minded people (more rare) will celebrate your success with you. Learn to associate with those who are clearly abundance-minded.

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8. Expect people to be suspicious of you as it becomes clear that you’re taking your business seriously

When you learn to master your business rather than wing it, you’re highlighting their insecurities by eliminating your own.

Remember: it’s none of their business, so flying under the radar might be a good move for you!

9. It’s OK if you don’t have a passion for the business

Have passion for what it allows you to do, be, see, have and contribute in life.

When you let go of these false paradigms, you will be equipped to handle the massive success that is going to come your way when you do the things you’re supposed to be doing in your real estate practice every day.

Listen to today’s podcast to learn our personal stories behind these truths, and then join us again tomorrow as we continue with the next six points.

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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or request more information about their programs at

Email Tim Harris.