
You know you’re a real estate agent when…

Photo credit: Monkey Business Images

You can either laugh or cry. We recommend the former. Because if any of the following thoughts have crossed your mind, you just might be a real estate agent — but you’re definitely not alone.

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You have a love-hate relationship with your car.

1. And on any given day, your front seat looks something like this.

Because nutrition.

2. Or this.

#youknowyourearealtorwhen …you have eaten all your meals that day in a car.

A photo posted by Bethany Stalder (@zerotoclose) on

Not pictured: the glove compartment napkin stash.

3. The trunk has also been spoken for. 


A photo posted by Amy VanderLinden Stacy (@amyvandy) on

Don’t open it, please.

4. Your auto accessories are second to none.

If you’ve got it, flaunt it.

5. You know whether you can make it to one more listing before you’re left stranded.

“The GPS better not be one mile off…”

All day, every day you’re hustlin’

6. Even at Urgent Care. 

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

7. You don’t notice that the weekend has arrived, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.

Wine, please.

8. Leads come when you least expect it.

And you gotta be ready.

9. Your desk is controlled chaos at best.

“Anyone seen my desk?”

10. Your signs never leave your side.

They are precious property.

11. No cell phone plan could possibly have enough minutes. 

Or data, for that matter.

12. Because you’re up chatting with clients way past your bedtime.

“I knew that psych major would come in handy someday.”

You got 99 problems and keys are definitely one

13. Your keychain resembles the tree roots of an untamed metallic jungle.

You know you’re in real estate when…your keychain looks like this ???

A photo posted by Emily Barry (@emilyhelenbarry) on

“Just one second, I know it’s here somewhere…”

14. A special surprise awaits in your gym bag.

“I thought that seemed heavy!”

15. You have an entire drawer dedicated to keys.

Junk drawers should officially be renamed.

16. Nobody understands your points of reference, except other agents.

“Gotcha, so smaller than a breadbox then.”

You unintentionally raise mini agents in your own household

17. Your kids know how to read all the (real estate) signs.

18. And they know what the MLS is way before all their peers.

19. Your family eats, sleeps and breathes real estate — emphasis on the eat.

“This is a single-family home, honey.”

20. Playing “house” takes on a whole new meaning.

Already working on the holidays.

21. You’ve always got those education opportunities on your mind.

“Are you close to a Blue Ribbon?”

You just see the world a little differently

22. Being prepared for work involves some unique requirements.

You just never know.

23. Hashtags are in the eye of the beholder.


24. There’s a project in all your surroundings.

“Well that was a nice meal, but let’s get to work.”

25. Fictional or not, any FSBO sends you into a frenzy.


26. And there’s no time like the present to count ’em all.

Nothing like a run to clear your head.

27. Or mentally remodel the bathroom.

“Would a claw foot tub add value?”

28. CMA can only stand for one thing.

Who has time for music?

29. The MLS is in everything, everywhere.

If it’s not a song already, it should be.

30. And it holds all the answers. 

Google should watch its back.

31. Romance is a high-tech measuring tool.

“You know me too well.”

32. Time with loved ones is better spent looking at houses.

“This is way better than watching HGTV.”

33. A good septic report is like a clean bill of health.

Seriously, though.

34. You really wonder how anyone can afford movie houses.

“They would be totally house poor with that mortgage.”

35. Your friends always steal your pens ’cause they know you have them.

Because real estate isn’t a career, it’s a lifestyle.

Email Caroline Feeney

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