
Want to reach your goals this year? Become a sprinter

Andrey Burmakin /

It’s that time of year when many real estate agents review their goals and see how close they are to achieving them.

If they’re close or on track, they’ll keep doing what they’re doing. If they’re not on target, they might be tempted to work around-the-clock.

However, all work and no rest often makes agents ineffective to their clients and unproductive to their business.

Unfortunately, many real estate agents adopt the mindset of a marathoner; they think the more they work, the more they’ll get done. In the end, they only end up tired and frustrated.

Instead, the most successful agents adopt the mindset of a sprinter; that is, they’ll focus intensely for shorter bursts of time and then rest in between. The goal is to work more efficiently instead of longer. Here’s how:

1. Choose a target date

Get out your calendar and planner, and open it up to December. Now, circle the last day in the month you plan to work, then count back from this date to see how many weeks you have left this year to meet or exceed your goal.

Knowing how much time is left will motivate you to act and keep you focused on production.

[Tweet “Knowing how much time is left will motivate you to act and keep you focused on production.”]

2. View each week as a sprint

When agents have the mindset of a marathoner, they’ll work nonstop; however, they might also wonder why they’re not getting as much done. When you view each week as a sprint, you’re more focused and efficient as you complete your tasks.

Then, at the end of your week, you’ll be able to schedule time to rest and refresh. Knowing you have time in the week to rest gives you something to look forward to and gives you an added incentive to reach your goals for the week.

3. Celebrate your accomplishments each week

Did you reach your goals by Wednesday? Did you make a few extra phone calls? Get new referrals? Deliver all of your pop-bys?

As humans, we’re naturally driven by rewards. By taking the time to celebrate and reward yourself for “winning the week,” you’ll have the motivation and mindset to maintain your momentum and start the next week on a good note.

Although it might take some time to get used to working this way, especially if you’re a workaholic, it’ll pay off over time.

Your renewed energy, motivation and productivity will trickle down into your business and the service you offer your clients. Finish the year with a sprint — no running shoes required.

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Brian Buffini is the chairman and founder of Buffini & Company. You can follow Brian and Buffini & Company on Facebook.

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