
Podcast: What a brain injury taught me about being smart

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In 2011, life changed forever for Ann Zuccardy in a bathroom in Germany. A slip in the bathtub sent her back to the United States with symptoms so severe, she knew something was wrong. Emergency room doctors confirmed a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and this driven corporate career woman was prescribed weeks of just lying on the couch doing nothing.

Frustrated with her recovery, she began a blog (“I Want My Brain Back“) and gained a huge following. In 2013, she was invited to her first TEDx Talk (“How a Brain Injury Made Me Smarter“) and a new door opened for Zuccardy.

The TBI no longer allowed Zuccardy to work the demanding corporate job she once held and learn in the ways she once prided herself upon. She fell into a depression and began to question if she was smart anymore.

[Tweet “Really smart learners dive in and figure it out. @timandjulie”]

Determined to not be defined by her brain injury, she immersed herself in neuroscience and realized that she had to define “smart” as something else.

Smart was no longer a score or the amount of books she could read.  The “new smart” for Zuccardy was about being resilient, creative and curious.

Zuccardy’s inspirational story proves what neuroscience backs up: that our brains can and will create new pathways for learning, which can open new doors in life at any age.

Are you stuck in real estate, wondering why a smart, intelligent person such as yourself is still struggling?

Listen to today’s show and evaluate yourself. Are you a life-long learner, or do new things, ideas and challenges cause you to shrink back?

When life goes awry, can you adapt, or are you paralyzed by change? Zuccardy shares simple, practical exercises and wisdom for being truly smart in a world that is ever-changing.

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Tim and Julie Harris have over 20 years’ experience in real estate. Learn more about their real estate coaching and training programs at, or request more information about their programs at

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