
Stalking is not prospecting

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I love my Realtor family. I seriously do. But y’all, somehow you got sideways on how social media is supposed to work.

It’s supposed to be social, which means interaction — engagement, conversation, banter, point-counterpoint, etc.

[Tweet “Social media is supposed to be social, which means interaction, engagement, conversation.”]

Clicking “like” on Facebook or “thumbs up” on LinkedIn is not any of those things. I know it feels like it is. You think they know when you did or did not notice — and some folks do.

But it’s not enough to create that top-of-mind awareness that’s critical to long-term success in relationship building.

Instead, how about thinking of ways to use social media to create deeper engagement than you had, even before the Googles and internets changed the game for all of us.

Take a look at the “about” pages on Facebook of your clients and prospects. Note where they went to school — does that create any kind of connection (and by that, I mean a real connection, not some fabricated mess about what you heard about their school)?

How about their kids and partners — are they the same age as yours? Where have they been on vacation? Have you had a similar trip? In essence, find out what you have in common that is more than houses.

One of my favorite ways to connect with folks is sending cards. You know, the things you used to shop for at Hallmark and then put a stamp on to mail? You still can! Woohoo!

When someone has an event worth celebrating, like a child who just reached the diving championships, send a card and include a $2 bill for a surprise. The reaction is huge because humans love to be remembered, paid attention to, noticed.

I get the $2 bills at the bank in a bundle, never circulated so they are super fresh and crisp. Many kids have no experience with cash, so it’s alien to them — and thus, special.

Or perhaps one of your connections has experienced a loss. Don’t click “like” on a death notice. Please. Don’t.

How about sending a sympathy card instead? Spend the time on other humans. Increase humanity and connection. It’s not just the key to building a successful business, it’s key to creating a successful life.

[Tweet “Spend time on other humans; it’s the key to creating a successful business — and life.”]

Use news articles on LinkedIn to congratulate your connections on their promotions and advancements. Not by clicking thumbs up, but instead try printing the article, writing a personal note on it and mailing the copy to the honoree.

Again, spend the time on the person. We’re talking a few minutes — a few pennies — to make someone else feel like a million bucks.

The least we can do is often more than expected. Be #MoreThanHouses and the returns will honor them and amaze you.

[Tweet “Be #MoreThanHouses and the returns will honor them and amaze you.”]

Leigh Brown is a full-time residential Realtor, speaker, coach and smartass. She works in the Charlotte, North Carolina, market with Re/Max Executive Realty and can be reached @leighbrown on all networks.

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