
Podcast: 5 ways to know you’re ruining your business

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Being an “abundance thinker” is not the grandiose, ethereal, meditative stuff that books and gurus profess. Rather, it has to do with how you act and react — in business and in life — with a sense of giving.

Today, we talk about the top five signs that you live on scarcity street (at the opposite end of abundance thinking) and some of them might surprise you.

1. You have no savings

Ever. If you do, it’s maybe for a couple weeks and sometimes as scarce as a couple of hours.

2. You believe there’s only so much money to go around

You often get into conflict over commissions, both with clients and other agents. 
You’re a fan of the procuring cause argument. Conflict over commission is a sure sign of scarcity.

3. You don’t use buyer’s agency

You’re scared of losing the commission to an agent who doesn’t use agency agreements.

4. You lose listings over sticking to your guns on commission

You’d rather be right or righteous than give a little to make a deal happen. 
In a changing market, don’t fall on the sword of your price — take the listing!

5. You are immune to goal setting and feel you’re above it

Goal setting isn’t for you. 
The truth about goal setting is that goals become a waste of time to write down if you’re not going to back them up with an action plan.

So be honest with yourself. If you’re not into goal setting, it’s typically because you don’t plan on taking any action on them either.

Are you exhausted yet by all this scarcity? Did you see yourself in any of these examples?

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