
Podcast: How to double your real estate sales annually

Thorsten Schmitt /

How important is customer service in the real estate industry — and can focusing on service double your real estate sales?

If you’ve been following this series, you know that customer service has become an absolutely essential part of running a successful real estate business.

If you’re ready to improve your customer service and potentially double your real estate sales annually, then the tips shared by recent guests Kimberly Sethavanish and James Colucci will help you do just that.

This couple, who started their real estate business from the ground up in a new area where they knew no one, soared to the top of their local market in very little time by delivering an incredible customer service experience to each and every client.

Read about three of the methods this rockstar real estate team uses to get consistent five-star ratings from clients, and be sure to listen to the entire podcast interview for more great advice and strategies.

Double your real estate sales by moving clients

This real estate couple doesn’t just provide coupons for trucks or funds for a moving service.

Instead, on moving day, Sethavanish and Colucci literally show up with a truck and everything their clients may need to get packed up and moved into their new home.

Not only that, they physically help their clients move, often taking on the brunt of the move themselves.

By the time it’s all said and done — often after a full day and a half of moving — clients are always more than happy to write them a glowing online review, which is a huge part of their real estate marketing strategy.

Implementing a mini-flipping strategy to double your real estate sales

For clients looking to sell their homes, Sethavanish and Colucci offer to make the improvements that they know will bring the final sale price up.

They call this a mini-flip (think real estate rehabbing). When clients can’t afford to make these improvements themselves, Sethavanish and Colucci actually cover the cost, which they later recoup when the homes sell well above their initial asking prices.

Again, with clients getting a great deal and selling their home for more than expected, they’re virtually guaranteed to refer this team to other families in the area.

(Make sure to listen to the podcast for more info on this off-the-wall strategy.)

Use free staging to double your real estate sales

In addition to making home improvements to bring up sale prices for clients, Sethavanish and Colucci also offer a free home staging service to increase their clients’ chances of catching the attention of buyers.

Not only do they handle moving the staged furniture into the homes of their clients, they let clients live with and use the staged furniture until the final sale! This is just another excellent example of the ways that this real estate team goes above and beyond to ensure that their clients have an absolutely amazing customer service experience.

This husband-and-wife team has managed to pull in high ratings from clients since they started, and their word-of-mouth referrals have also brought in consistent business. In fact, because of excellent online reviews and countless satisfied clients, these agents don’t spend a dime on advertising!

Their service-oriented approach to real estate has done more than increase the number and quality of their leads while doubling real estate sales annually; it’s also lowered their operating expenses and increased their net profits!

To learn more about how dedicating additional time and effort to customer service can possibly double your real estate sales annually along with increasing your net profits, be sure to listen to Pat’s complete podcast interview with Kimberly Sethavanish and James Colucci.

Pat Hiban is the author of NYT best selling book “6 steps to 7 figures – A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Destiny”, the founder of Rebus University and the host of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars an Agent to Agent Real Estate Radio Podcast with Hiban Digital in Baltimore, Maryland. Follow him on Instagram or Twitter.

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