
6 tips for escaping email hell in real estate /

Reposted with permission from Matt Bonelli “Escaping email.”

Let’s face it. Email is a great tool, but it can be incredibly distracting. It ultimately becomes a huge time suck and a drain on your mental capacity if not used properly. Check out the video above for some ways you can escape email hell. Here’s the rundown:

  1. Never check email right before bed or first thing in the morning, unless you want to ruin a perfectly good night’s sleep.
  2. Block of small pockets in your day dedicated to clearing out your inbox instead of having your day controlled by notifications.
  3. Action your email appropriately, and do not be vague with your responses. Make sure your actions do not result in more inbox clutter.
  4. Use the vacation auto-responder when you will be away or just do not want to check email for an extended period of time. Let people know when you will return to your inbox and give them an alternative method of communication if there is an urgent matter.
  5. Turn off the email notifications on your phone. This will probably be tough for some of you, but it will immediately increase your happiness.
  6. Don’t use email when other methods of communication are more appropriate. If it will be easier to explain something on the phone, pick up the phone!

Watch the video for the in depth analysis. If you employ these email tactics, you will begin to see huge time savings throughout your day and less stress, too.

This will boost your ability to manage your business effectively, increase customer satisfaction and give you a bit more time for the fun stuff.

Matt Bonelli is a manager and broker associate for Turpin Realtors’ Chatham office in Chatham, New Jersey. You can follow him on Twitter or learn more about him on LinkedIn