
The problem with cold outbound prospecting in real estate

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Where do people go wrong with their prospecting efforts?

Why do people fail to recognize the problem with cold outbound prospecting?

In this clip you’ll learn about the importance of putting time, effort, money and resources into the right leads so you can get “now business.”

“A lot of people put so much of their time and money unknowingly into very low percentage options for getting business.” — Matt Johnson

3 truths about leads

The process of getting business

Unless there’s a targeted lead or an existing relationship, you cannot expect to see immediate results from cold outbound prospecting.

Remember the process of getting business:

  1. Lead
  2. Suspect
  3. Prospect
  4. Active client
  5. Closed client

Watch the full episode below to see the insights we shared on:

“How would you behave if you were already successful?” — Matt Johnson

Be careful with online leads: You’ll be wasting money unless you are able to respond as soon as possible.

Categorize your leads and be sure to give enough value to the right ones.

Stop worrying about outcomes so you can focus on working harder.

Remember, everything is “figureoutable!”

Matt Johnson is the founder of Pursuing Results, a podcast production firm. He is also the co-host of Real Estate Uncensored, a real estate training podcast and video series.