
Inman announces another 12 sponsors for ICSF17

Tallahassee, Fla. (July 17, 2017) – Inman® announced 12 additional companies that will be sponsoring Inman Connect San Francisco, Aug. 7-11, 2017.

Inman Connect is a week-long event that will drive more than 4,000 real estate professionals to suit up for change in the industry. Featuring critical, inspiring keynotes from Platon — world-renowned, award-winning photographer and founder of The People’s Portfolio — and Scott Stratten — president of Un-Markieting — top-producing agents and brokers, leaders of franchises, MLSs and associations, tech entrepreneurs and marketing executives will come to the event to network, make deals and explore the newest technology in real estate.

“Sponsors make Connect happen: their leadership, ideas and support are critical to the success of the event,” said Brad Inman, Publisher.

For more information on Inman Connect sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities, please contact

Sponsors will include: